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Love Glows at Golden Belt

807 E Main St
Durham, NC 27701
Visit Website

Address: At the lobby entrance to The Cotton Room at Golden Belt Campus, 807 E. Main St.
Open 24 hours

Golden Belt Campus is a hub for dining, art, history and entertainment in downtown Durham, where residents and visitors of all ages can see local art and theater, enjoy pizza, beer and ice cream while playing on the expansive lawn, and even celebrate life's milestones at event spaces. Love truly glows here and, with your help, it will glow even brighter. Find the Love Durham neon sign, made by local neon artist Hex Neon, and snap a selfie to check in and document your adventure.

1. Snap a selfie with the neon sign and be sure to throw up your Love Durham hand signs
2. Tag @goldenbeltcampus and #LoveDurhamNC
3. Scan the Love Durham Challenge QR code while in the Discover Durham app to check-in
4. Continue your Durham adventure by supporting participating small businesses like Cecy's Gallery and Studios, Middle of May Vintage or East Durham Sweet Shoppe.