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Saint Matthew Catholic Church


1001 Mason Rd
Durham, NC 27712
Phone: (919) 479-1001
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Google Reviews

Photo of David Rios Herrera David Rios Herrera
Mar 1, 2025 5

Great church! I have faith that this catholic church is in good hands with Fr. John Curran, LC.

Photo of Krystalynn Moore Krystalynn Moore
Dec 8, 2024 3

When I first moved to Durham I went to Saint Matthew's as it is my local parish. However I found it to be slightly unwelcoming when I looked into adult RCIA and the woman who ran it told me that I wasn't Catholic enough. Sorry but what? How very un Vatican two of you. It is a nice church and most of the members are nice enough but it leaves a lot to be missed. It's definitely not inclusive as my old parish back home and the music ministry is a little wanting. If you like the old school feeling of going to church with Grandma this is it. Which is sad because the Homily is always wonderful and really uplifting. There is a real juxtaposition between what Father is saying and what some of his Church lay administration is practicing. I no longer attend this parish even though it is closer to home and would be my home parish. Instead I travel to another Parish.