7th Annual wimmin@work
Enjoy an afternoon of thought-provoking and spirit-moving performances of dance, original song and music, theater, spoken word, and more.
Beautiful wimmin-made items for sale in the lobby marketplace at 1 pm featuring spoken word poet and Em Cee - Kimberly McCrae, United Strings of Color, dancer/choreographer - Ife Presswood, MusicalMystique, Dancer/Choreographer - Johanna Kepler, Krav Maga – Jamie Lee, Maestra TheMcee, and Calabasa Calabasa: dancing and making the music of life the wimmin@work brave wimmin award
Honoring Mama Ruby Johnny and Toya Chinfloo for their courageous work as wimmin illuminating our communities and our lives.
wimmin@work is an interdisciplinary, intergenerational performance showcase celebrating wimmin’s herstory month. Wimmin of all generations come together to acknowledge that we stand on the mighty and magnificent shoulders of wimmin artists, educators, mentors, family, and friends.
Presented by The Hayti Heritage Center and Souloworks/Andrea E. Woods Present, in celebration of the Hayti Heritage Center’s 50th anniversary.

- 804 Old Fayetteville St
- Durham, North Carolina 27701
- Time: 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
- Location:
Hayti Heritage Center - Admission:
$15 -
Sam Hoggs - sam@hayti.org
- (919) 683-1709
- Website
- Buy Tickets
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