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Dungeons n' Drafts

Within the enchanted glades of the ancient Whispering Woods, a grave dilemma unfurls before your eyes. The sinister enchanter, Zephyrus the Malevolent, has stolen the revered Crystal of Serenity, casting a shadow upon the realm of magic! But fear not, valiant companions, for you are not alone in this perilous quest. Together, confront mythical beasts, unravel arcane riddles, and emerge TRIUMPHANT! Led by experienced Dungeon Masters, this
event guarantees an unforgettable experience for all who venture forth!

Prepare to roll your dice, every fourth Thursday

Upcoming Dates For This Event:

  • Thursday, March 27
  • Thursday, April 24
  • Thursday, May 22
  • Thursday, June 26
  • Thursday, July 24
  • Thursday, August 28