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Opening Reception - Rachel Campbell "What You See from Here"

Born and raised in New Zealand, Rachel Campbell paints and shows her work all over the world but makes her home here in Durham. What You See from Here showcases new paintings, featuring scenes from Durham, New Zealand and Australia.

Rachel’s distinctive style makes use of bright colors and subtly distorted perspectives. “I choose to work in abstracted realism, painting recognizable places and objects that I manipulate through color and juxtapositions of flattened spaces against modeled forms. I broadly paint some areas and use graphic detail to lead the eye to the most important objects in the story. This style of painting allows me to play with composition, to create moods with color, and to give personality and life to inanimate objects” she says.

Much like David Hockney, Rachel believes that art should be fun and playful. Her scenes are filled with a dynamic sense of life, luscious colors and a sly sense of humor. This is her fifth show at Craven Allen Gallery.