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Rhine Book Club: "UAPs and the Afterlife" by Christopher Noël

The Rhine Book Club will be joined by Christopher Noël, author of "UAPs and the Afterlife."

To learn more about this online event, including the Zoom link, Meeting ID, and Passcode, follow the Rhine Book Club Facebook page


Christopher Noël holds a Master's degree in Philosophy from Yale University and a Master's in Fine Arts from Vermont College of Fine Arts where he taught writing for 20 years. He also researches the phenomenon of Sasquatch. He is the author of several books including "In the Unlikely Event of a Water Landing: A Geography of Grief," "Sasquatch and Autism: Twelve Parallels," "MindSpeak: Tapping into Sasquatch and Science,", and "There is No Veil: At Play in the Vast Here and Now." His website is https://www.thenearnessofyou.n.... His interviews are available on the "New Thinking Allowed" YouTube channel.